Clinical Utility

  • Detects presence of microbial DNA from pathogens that can cause UTIs
  • Provides antibiotic treatment recommendations with DNA accuracy

CHALLENGE – Missed Diagnosis

Missed Diagnosis— Standard urine culture misses up to 2/3 of all positive UTI patients and cannot report out on a complex (multi-pathogen) UTI. Standard process send back results of “overgrowth” or “contaminate sample”

Solution: Identify 24 pathogens simultaneously from urine samples, eliminating concerns for “overgrowth” or “contaminated sample” due to a non-clean catch.

CHALLENGE – Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic Resistance— Antibiotic resistance and proper antibiotic prescribing has become a major issue confronting healthcare providers and their patients. Treating prior to test results being available and the introduction of new antibiotics have made selecting optimal antibiotic regimens more difficult now than ever before. Furthermore, history has taught us that if we do not use antibiotics carefully, they will lose their efficacy.
          UTIs are increasingly caused by multidrug-resistant organisms due to overuse of broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy. The typical timeline for a culture/reflex test result in many healthcare setting is 3-5 days after the lab received the sample. Delaying in treatment can have drastic consequences for a patient with a UTI infection, especially a complex painful UTI.

Solution: Determine antibiotic sensitivity and resistance in 48 hours from time of collection, for more informed treatment. Test reports on 18 + different antibiotics that are the most common for UTI treatment.